Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby Is Coming Soon!

She better come soon, or Mama's gonna blow!!!! :)
With less than 10 days til the due date, we really anticipate her arrival any day now.  Last night, I (Holly) had some preemptive feelings she was on her way, but only to go on to have a very normal day today- no contractions or "feelings" or anything at all... We'll just have to wait and see!  I want to thank the Lord Who, as with the last two full term babies, has given me great peace and called me to cast any anxieties on His shoulders right up until the end.  I am not fretful in the least, which surprises me, and I can only thank God for such a gift.
Please pray for us, nonetheless, as there will be plenty of drama soon!  Not to mention (oh, what the hey, I'll go ahead and mention) the lack of patience I've had with my sweet older kids and the job transition RAPIDLY approaching for Andy.
We will let everyone know of her arrival and her name when the stork drops her off...